Comprehensive Health Education | Rare Bleeding Disorders

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Updated Supply: Rebinyn® (Factor IX (Recombinant), GlycoPEGylated) 3000 IU

The following is an important update from Novo Nordisk concerning the company’s 3000 IU vial for factor 9 product, Rebinyn®.

As of March 25, 2024, we are now back in stock of the 3000 IU vial size, and we will continue to have adequate supply of all vial sizes including the 500 IU, 1000 IU, 2000 IU and 3000 IU vial sizes. We can fulfill orders immediately.

Thank you for being patient as Novo Nordisk worked hard to resolve the issue and restore supply of the 3000 IU vial size. We are always committed to acting in the best interest of the community.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Novo Nordisk Customer Care at 1-800-727-6500.

Please click the following link for Prescribing Information: