As individuals personally impacted by an inhibitor, CHES stands out as a subject matter expert. Since 2010, we have developed the most educational programs specific to the inhibitor community in the form of: Inhibitor Family Camp, Leverage, Momentum, After the Shock and now MUM (Mom’s Uninhibited Meeting.) In addition, CHES is the creator of the only worldwide publication, LifeLines for Health, designed for the topics those with an inhibitor need. From our programs, publications, speaking engagements and representation as a patient member at NIH, you can count on CHES to intimately understand your needs.
MUM empowers mothers of children with a bleeding disorder and an active inhibitor. The program’s goal is to assist women to find their voice when it comes to decision making about the health of their loved ones.
CHES will provide education about medical developments, advocacy skill building, stress management techniques and more to enable moms to make empowered decisions for their child, their families and themselves.