Who can attend?

The LadyBugs program is designed for women 16 and older who are mothers, caretakers, siblings and women with a bleeding disorder. U.S. residents only.

How much does it cost to attend?

In the past, there have been no costs associated to attend.  Travel related expenses including tolls, mileage and parking were reimbursed, and air transportation was arranged for participants.

With tighter budgets and stricter industry guidelines, air travel costs for participants is becoming more difficult to cover.  We cannot yet disclose the actual cost for participants, if any, of this program.  But we are currently working hard to make this program as affordable as possible. If you wish to attend, we strongly urge you to register (during open-registration) ASAP for the best financially affordable outcome. You may cancel at a later time if any required costs are not conducive to your financial reach.

For more info about our grant coverage, please view our policies and guidelines.

What changes can I expect during the COVID pandemic?

For everyones’ best interest, safety measures may need to be taken. Each venue’s safety guidelines differ, making it difficult to specify at this time. And as COVID variants can be still a concern, safety precautions are consistently changing. Specific precautions (if any) will be in place and announced as time nears for each program. PLEASE BEWARE ANY LIVE PROGRAM RUNS THE RISK OF SHIFTING TO AN ALL-VIRTUAL PLATFORM, IF DEEMED NECESSARY.

What is a HYBRID program, and what does that look like?

The program will be ran both In-Person and Virtually simultaneously to accommodate for attendees’ preferences and/or specific situations.

The In-Person experience will run as usual from past years. Attendees will arrive Friday afternoon to settle into their rooms and depart on Sunday around noon. During their stay, folks can learn through the available sessions, socialize with other attendees, and join us for meal times and planned activities.

Those who attend virtually will receive Zoom invitations to the education sessions offered at the live event. Virtual attendees can choose which sessions they would like (or are able) to watch with the live audience where they can participate through Q&A and any other interactions planned for each session. *Note, certain sessions may not be available for the virtual option.

Will the location be accessible to wheelchairs and other mobility devices?

Will child care be available?
Due to limited funding, childcare will NOT be provided at this time.

What about patient confidentiality?
Information that you share or hear will be treated with the utmost respect and never disclosed without your permission.  We want participants to feel comfortable so that we may support one another.